Patternlog 05: Snowshill Manor
At the end of May I visited the remarkable Snowshill Manor near Broadway, in the Cotswolds, UK, and was instantly motivated to create patterns inspired by the place.
On the video below I approach the Manor, now owned by The National Trust, from the kitchen garden, and when I get inside the main house I am in awe on the contents; all collected by a fascinating former owner, Charles Wade. After having a look round, I recorded my audio from the orchard. I describe some of the treasures I had just seen in the Manor and also the cottage across the courtyard, where Wade and his wife chose to live. The end of the video shows you the very beautiful garden, followed by some of the patterns that Snowshill inspired me to print. The patterns are also shown in the newsletter gallery below, but on the video I have given a bit more context as to why I created them.
My patterns inspired by Snowshill
More information about Snowshill can be found at here
The work I have produced and this video is made without any involvenment from Snowshill Manor or the National Trust. Please take it as just one response of a visitor rather than a factual guide.